Deni Wahyudi Kurniawan
Award Year: 2017

Deni Wahyudi Kurniawan is a member of public health division at Health Council of Central Board Muhammadiyah in Jakarta. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies from Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta in 2010. Prior to his current career, he served as a vice secretary of international relation and cooperation who provided administrative support for international activities in the same organization.

Working in a public health sector, he is closely engaged in community empowerment on public health issues such as avian influenza control, malaria and TB care and family planning programs. In the past 6 years, he has been heavily involved in policy advocacy for tobacco control as Program for Tobacco Control Program at The Indonesian Institute for Social Development (IISD). His main interest is in policy advocacy and social development in Tobacco issues.

He is pursuing a Master’s degree in International affairs in International Development Studies at Ohio University to support his current career. Upon completion of the Master’s degree program, he intends to return to Muhammadiyah’s Health Council to continue his contribution in health sector trough Muhammadiyah organization in particular and community in general.

Last Updated: Oct 1, 2018 @ 1:52 pm
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