Citra Sari Ayu
Award Year: 2017

Citra Sari Ayu is a staff at Sub Department of City Planning in Jakarta. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Architecture Engineering from Universitas Indonesia in 2002. She has been working for the government since 2003. Her tasks are to assist the local city government with guidelines and standards to manage an extensive new development in the area. She also has been involved in government’s project such as Detail Spatial Plan and Zoning Regulation for Jakarta Capital City up to 2030.

As cities are fundamentally about people, it is essential for cities to consider human factors in the physical development. She believes city development is not only about designing superblocks and other physical buildings, but also concerning the untouched human dimension by improving the development process with environmental issues that affect the life of the citizens. Her ultimate goal is to be an outstanding city planner and to attain a key position in the government.  Higher position in decision-making process and policy/regulations will enable her to foster a sustainable development for a better Jakarta and enhance the quality of people’s life.

She is pursuing to pursue a Master’s degree in Urban Planning at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Last Updated: Oct 1, 2018 @ 12:22 pm
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