“Digital Literacies for English Language Learning: What, Why, and How” in Demak, Central Java”

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What are digital literacies and why do they matter to Indonesian high schoolers and high school students? How has technology changed English teaching in Indonesia? Well, English teachers in Demak had a unique opportunity to learn about this with and from a US English teacher and researcher.

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On January 17, 2020, a workshop was held at SMA Negeri 2 Demak titled “Digital Literacies for English Language Learning: What, Why, and How”. ETAs Tessa Sontheimer, Madison “Maddy” Mele, and Kush Mansuria planned the event together along with MGMP, Demak English Teachers’ Association.

Fulbright US Scholar in Indonesia Dr. Jayne Lammers presented her research on digital literacy, English language communication, and the role of technology in 21st-century Indonesian classrooms. Given the different levels of technologies in Demak and Kudus, they also discussed how English teachers can use digital literacy practices sans tech, providing an opportunity to learn about the principles of digital literacies and how they apply to all classrooms, regardless of technology level.

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Overall, there were 37 attendees from at least six different schools across Demak and Kudus. The event was held from 2-4 pm and included a great question and answer session. Questions about how to start book clubs, integrate WhatsApp and other highly relevant technologies in lessons, and the importance of thinking about the multiple forms of literacies. ETAs Tessa, Maddy, and Kush were very excited to share the event with their colleagues and friends.

Tessa Sontheimer is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Demak, Central Java.

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