Dr Sopia Lestari
Award Year: 2024

Dr Sopia Lestari is conducting research on atmospheric dynamics at the Florida Institute of Technology for three months, with a project entitled “Toward the establishment of a rainfall extremes monitoring system in maritime ASEAN countries.” During her research in the United States, she will compare the IMERG satellite in the US with ASEAN ground-based datasets. She aims to further develop international collaboration after her stay in the US in developing an early warning mechanism for extreme rainfall and applying this to disaster-related issues, such as flooding in this particular case.

Dr Sopia earned meteorology and environmental science degrees from Institut Teknik Bandung (bachelor’s) and Universitas Indonesia (master’s).  She completed a doctorate in atmospheric science at the University of Melbourne.

Currently, she is a researcher at the Research Center for Weather and Climate, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN).

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