Dr Moh Mualliful Ilmi
Award Year: 2024

Dr Moh Mualliful Ilmi is researching archaeological methods at the University of Missouri for four months on a project entitled “A Multi-Analytical Study on Physicochemical Properties of Pigment Materials in Cultural Heritage Artifacts in Indonesia and Their Archaeological Context in Southeast Asia.”

This project aims to enhance his understanding of archaeological pigment analysis techniques beyond those already utilized in Indonesia. Furthermore, the research results could facilitate knowledge exchange among archaeologists in ASEAN countries and will strengthen expertise in pigment analysis in Indonesia.

At the University of Missouri, Dr Moh Mualliful is collaborating with Dr Brandi MacDonald at the Archaeometry Laboratory, gaining access to advanced physicochemical and petrographical analytical methods for studying pigment materials, particularly in rock art and pottery. This partnership is expected to enhance his research capabilities and contribute to a better understanding of the interpretation and preservation of cultural heritage materials in Southeast Asia.

He has degrees in chemistry from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and his master’s and doctorate from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

He is a researcher at the Research Centre for Archaeometry at Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency).

Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024 @ 11:22 pm
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