Dr. Vanessa M. Patrick-Ralhan
Award Year: 2020

Vanessa Patrick, PhD, is the associate dean for research, the Bauer Professor of Marketing, and lead faculty of the Executive Women in Leadership Program at the Bauer School of Business at the University of Houston.

Dr. Patrick is completing her Fulbright Specialist project at the School of Business and Management at the Institute of Technology (SBM-ITB) in Bandung from 10 November to 10 December 2022. During her visit, she is conducting several workshops on research, teaching, and scholarship for the faculty and doctoral students at ITB. She also discusses best practices in managing world-class programs and initiatives to foster student success. She will be conducting a workshop and giving a lecture on her forthcoming book, “The Power of Saying No: The New Science of How to Say No that Puts you in Charge of your Life.”

Dr. Patrick has a PhD in business from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, an MBA in marketing, and a bachelor’s degree in microbiology and biochemistry.

She has published more than 40 research articles in top-tier academic journals in psychology, marketing, and management, and popular accounts of her work have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR, Los Angeles Times, Business Week, Fast Company, Forbes, Huffington Post, and Washington Post. In her research, she investigates strategies to achieve personal mastery and inspire everyday excellence in oneself and others and is a pioneer in the study of everyday consumer aesthetics. Dr. Patrick has been recognized with many awards for both scholarship and teaching, including the University of Houston university-wide teaching award (2020) and the LeRoy and Lucille Melcher Faculty Excellence awards from the Bauer College of Business for Research Excellence (2011), Service Excellence (2016) and Teaching Excellence (2018). The Marketing Science Institute named her one of the top young scholars in the field. In 2012, she was named one of the top 50 most productive marketing scholars worldwide by the DocSig of the American Marketing Association.

Last Updated: Jan 6, 2023 @ 2:26 pm
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