Dr. Christopher Silver, US Fulbright Scholar in Indonesia delivered a public lecture at the University of New South Wales

Chris Silver in Australia (2)

Dr. Christopher Silver, Fulbright Senior Scholar in the University of Indonesia’s Department of Architecture, presented a lecture at the University of New South Wales entitled, “Rapid Urbanization:  The Challenges and Opportunities for Planning in Indonesian Cities.”

Chris Silver in Australia (1)

The lecture was organized at UNSW under their Grand Challenge project focusing on rapid urbanization in the global context.

In addition to the Grand Challenge lecture, Silver presented a talk to students in the Faculty of the Built Environment in a course on International Planning dealing with the Green Urbanization project that has been underway for the past four years involving faculty and students from Cardiff University, the University of Florida and the University of Indonesia.  The intent was to demonstrate the value of UNSW students joining the joint studio that will be offered at the University of Indonesia in January 2020.  The trip included the chance to examine new developments in Sydney, including expansion of their light rail system, and to discuss current planning challenges with UNSW faculty.

Last Updated: Jun 18, 2020 @ 12:49 am
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