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Everybody Eats!

Alexander 3

What started as a simple invitation for breakfast early one morning in September, turned into a project involving 60 student volunteers who rotate the responsibility of waking-up and assisting in ETA Alexander Lopez-Perez’ home to provide breakfast for just about 120 students, every day at 6.30am.

With the slogan, “Breakfast is for Everyone” Alexander and his partnering school Madrasah Negeri 2 have taken up the task of alleviating hunger in the community by promising select students PB&J (peanut butter and jelly), a fruit item, and hot tea every school day of the week. The Breakfast House is a healthy foods initiative at MAN2 meant to unite students, teachers, and alumni as they supply students with breakfast to teach about the importance of good health and charity.

Alexander 2

In addition, students learn leadership and presentation skills through participation in the Breakfast Houses’ executive team, The Food Ambassadors, who meet with Alexander weekly to discuss the logistics and sustainability of the Breakfast House. In addition, the team strives to promote a culture of charity and service by creating educational material for visiting guests. Pictured is a visit from the Dinas Kesehatan Kota Padang (Kota Padang Regional Office of Health), who wished good luck and success to the student-run project.

Alexander 1

Follow their journey on Instagram @MAN2Breakfasthouse

Alexander Lopez-Perez is currently teaching at MAN 2 Bukittinggi, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:06 am
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