The Excellent English Club is Formed

Neelam 1

This past month, ETA Neelam Vohra had her first after school English club meetings. The first meeting was that of getting to know you games, many of which Neelam had learned while teaching at a summer camp in the US. Whether it be rapidly tossing balls back and forth to learn each other’s name, playing hand games, or two truths and lie, Neelam realized that some games are just loved universally. The Excellent English Club (EEC) chose their name and even created a Spotify playlist. It is growing, but includes all the students’ favorite songs at the moment, including of course, the groups anthem, Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Neelam is thankful to not only be able to practice English with students in topics more in line with their own interests, but in the process get closer with them. They are always surprising her, like telling her they like trap music, want to be a philosopher or are fluent in Hindi. Neelam can’t wait for what the EEC accomplishes this October.

Neelam Vohra is currently teaching at SMKN 3 Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:06 am
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