Fadli Syamsudin
Award Year: 2016

Dr Fadli Syamsudin will undertake research on ”Enhancing Partnership for an Acoustic Tomography Study to Monitor Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) in the Lombok Strait.” Prof Fadli and his host at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, will be involved in the Lombok Strait ocean acoustic tomography experiment funded by the US Office of Naval Research (ONR) in 2016–2017. This research is important for understanding the role of ITF in monitoring global climate change with the goal to establish a connection with a strong group of researchers with an interest in implementing an innovative technology of coastal acoustic tomography to study ITF variability in the Indonesian seas.

Dr Syamsudin earned his bachelor’s degree in oceanography from Bandung Institute of Technology, his master’s degree in physical oceanography from Rutgers University, and his doctorate in coastal acoustic tomography at Hiroshima University, Japan.

He works on the professional staff of the oceanography program at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).

Last Updated: Apr 12, 2019 @ 1:50 pm
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