Farming – From North Dakota to Indonesia


After learning that the surrounding areas of Temanggung are home the best coffee and tobacco farms in Indonesia, ETA Allison Cwikla was ecstatic, regarding the coffee beans at least. However, after spending a beautiful August day off-roading through tobacco farms, she became ecstatic about the beauty of the tobacco leaves as well.

Farming 2

Allison left the home of Bu Suko, a fellow teacher at SMAN 1 Temanggung, at 3.30 am to race the sunrise to the top of Mount Sindoro, a volcano situated at the edge of Temanggung. After the sun also made its way to the top of the mountain, Bu Suko, her family, and Allison spent the afternoon cruising down the mountain while exploring many tobacco fields. As many of Bu Suko’s extended family members work in tobacco production, Allison was able to witness and participate in the preparation of recently dried tobacco leaves. With a quick substitution of corn for tobacco, Allison, a member of a farming family in North Dakota, felt right at home!

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All articles from August 2018 edition
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Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:06 am
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