Flag Ceremony

Jillian 1

Every Monday morning, SMAN 2 Bukittinggi holds a flag ceremony. ETA Jillian Castoro was in awe throughout her first attendance and looks forward to this weekly tradition. The event includes the raising of the flag, speeches, and songs. A group of students march toward and raise the flag, each of their movements in tune with the next.

Later, ETA Jillian Castoro learned that this is an extracurricular team that meets regularly to maintain that their precision remains intact. All of the students and faculty watch, in silence, as the red and white flag ascends into the sky. Then, the school’s leaders both give speeches and the audience chants responses to their words. Although Jillian does not always understand what they are saying, she can feel the passion and power in their words. This Monday routine is a special moment, and ETA Jillian Castoro feels honored to have had the opportunity to be a part of it.

Jillian Castoro is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:07 am
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