Halloween was coming up and ETA Angela Zhu had a lot to prepare for her first spooky Halloween in Tana Toraja. Starting with a lesson on basic Halloween vocabulary and figurative language, Angela eventually built up to forming a scary story. The students drew things that scared them as other students guessed the students’ fears. Students then thought of different parts of speech to fill their Scary, Spooky, Slimy Mad Libs. Mad Libs presented a fun format of scary story writing.
Students then watched, “Too Much Candy” by ELF Learning while answering some comprehension questions. After getting spooked while gaining some ideas for their stories, Angela prepared Halloween story starters like, “It was a cold Halloween night when I saw the…” and, “Something in the closet was making a strange noise, so I opened the door and…” The students went around and formed a story or sentence with their story starters. From there, students created their own creepy stories and wrote them in their pumpkins.
During the next meeting, Angela was prepared to have her English Club students present their scary Halloween stories with a flickering flashlight under their chin. After, the English Club at SMAN 1 watched Coraline with ETA Michael Walsh and English Club at SMKN 1 for Halloween. Of course, Angela dressed up as royal bubble tea, like the “royaltea” she was meant to be and handed out candy, as is “royaltea” tradition.
Angela Zhu is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
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