Food Tastes Better When Eaten Together

Peter 1

On January 21, ETA Gordon “Peter” Bensen planned to attend his MAN 1 Payakumbuh student’s soccer practice, only to have it canceled when the sky opened up and a vicious rainstorm ensued.

His initial disappointment quickly subsided as he decided to check out what was going on, on campus. Upon arriving at school, a group of students ushered the soaking wet ETA into the school’s scout room and gave him a piece of cloth to dry off and wrap around his uncovered shins.

A group of students were in the midst of cooking dinner and promptly asked Peter to join them. With a beaming smile, one student remarked, “Food tastes better when eaten together.” Peter couldn’t help but think to himself, these are the character traits that make Indonesian people so incredible.

Five minutes later, Peter was seated around the biggest banana leaf he’d ever seen in his life, sharing a delicious Minangkabau meal with his students – the best meal he’s had in Indonesia. He attempted to show off his ability to eat with his hands and sit cross-legged, but of course, was met with endless laughter.

The group conversed in broken “Indo-glish”, shared many smiles, and left incredibly full. Throughout his time in Indonesia, Peter has come to love the rain for its calming effect on the world around him. On that afternoon, he found a new reason to love the rain – a canceled session of soccer turned into an incredible dinner with an incredible company.

Gordon “Peter” Bensen is currently teaching at  MAN 1 Payakumbuh, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:29 pm
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