Future World Leaders

Lucy Faust 2

October in Temanggung was hot and full of celebrations for ETA Lucy Faust. MAN Temanggung celebrated the loss of Headmaster Pak Ali and Vice Principle Pak Musli and the addition of a new headmaster, Pak Hadi, a previous English teacher.

MAN Temanggung also celebrated Hari Santri and Bulan Bahasa with performances and competitions that highlighted how talented the students are!

Lucy Faust 1

Amidst the celebrations, the tenth graders found some time to learn about inspiring young leaders around the world through descriptive text. They read about Greta Thunberg, the sixteen-year-old Swedish activist, Syed Saddiq, the youngest Malaysian politician currently serving a term, Maudy Ayunda, the famous Indonesian actress, singer, and budding activists, as well as Nadiem Makarim, the founder of GoJek. When Lucy was halfway through co-teaching classes this lesson, Makarim was announced to be Indonesia’s new Minister of Education and Culture, which made learning about Makarim even more fitting to be learning about. Lucy thinks the future looks bright with these people making big changes!

Lucy Faust is currently teaching at MAN Temanggung, Central Java.

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:07 am
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