Holiday Smart Program English Immersion

Sabrina (1)

On December 29, ETA Sabrina Verleysen from MAN Demak, was invited to be the guest speaker at the 2018 Holiday Smart Program English Immersion Program. This four-day complete English immersion program is held annually at Madrasah Manahijul Huda Ngaget Pati, in a small village outside of Pati.

Sabrina (2)

Sixty students pledge to only speak English for four whole days and nights, completing activities together, sharing meals, and most importantly studying English. Sabrina was invited to lead the programming for the final day. She led the students through English Olympic Games, where teams competed in different categories including Scrambled Sentences, Running Diction, and the Telephone game. Sabrina also had the chance to speak directly with many students about Fulbright scholarships and other AMINEF-administered programs as well as make connections with the English Teacher, Mr Anwar, for future collaborations between our schools. She is excited to further this collaboration and continue to inspire students to learn English during second semester!

Sabrina (3)

Sabrina Verleysen is currently teaching at MAN Demak, Central Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 4:02 pm
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