Ignite English!

Sabrina (1)

On February 2, 2019, ETA Sabrina Verleysen had the wonderful opportunity to ignite English language learning and give positive motivation to secondary school students in a remote village outside of Demak. Thanks to a close friendship with Miss Muji, an English teacher from Madrasah Aliyah As Samaniyah, the morning event was organized and prepared for Sabrina’s visit.

Sabrina (3) ed

During her presentation, Sabrina told the eager students about American cultural norms and her life back in America. After this, the students played an array of English Olympic games focused on language elicitation and sentence structure. Sabrina was even able to share information about AMINEF programs including scholarship and exchange programs with the students and the teachers.

Sabrina (2)

They were delighted to hear about Sabrina’s experience in Indonesia including the culture shock and the many innocent faux pas that she makes daily! All parties walked away with a slightly deeper understanding of one another.

Sabrina Verleysen is currently teaching at MAN Demak, Central Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:20 pm
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