

During the first month in Indonesia, ETA Alexandra Gwynn launched an English club for teachers inciting staff interest with everyone’s favorite topic, makanan (food)! The club immersed itself in American and Indonesian cuisine topping off lessons with group cooking, enak (delicious)!

On August 19, Alexandra traveled with Bu Hanik, a colleague, to an English school in a village on the outskirts of Malang. Alexandra exchanged cultural perspective with students and formed an English language club via WhatsApp. The club encourages the exchange of ideas through written and verbal form.

Alexandra presented on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics, or applied mathematics) education and problem-based learning (PBL) at a national STEAM seminar hosted by her school, SMKN 9 Malang (vocational). On August 24, Alexandra and her co-teacher Itha taught animation classes in English to initiate the integration of English and STEAM education.

Since well-being is deeply rooted in Alexandra’s teaching practice, she launched healthy yoga Fridays! Every Fridays teachers gather to rejuvenate with yoga taught in English.

Alexandra Gwynn is currently teaching at SMKN 9 Malang, East Java

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All articles from August 2018 edition
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Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:06 am
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