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Kicking Off English Club

Emma (1)

English Club started in mid-September at SMA 1 Temanggung. Every Wednesday in the library, ETA Emma Muth and her students meet to practice conversation and have discussions about American and Indonesian culture. This is a great opportunity for students to progress their English skills outside of their weekly English courses. Each meeting has consisted of lots of games and songs, many of which Emma grew up playing and singing in the United States.

Emma (2)

Her favorite activity is so far involved teaching American slang to her students, who decided to teach her some Indonesian slang in return. This will undoubtedly be useful throughout the rest of her time in Indonesia! After a few meetings, students have started preparing for their first English competition in Semarang this November. Students will compete in a variety of events, including debate, newscasting, and a spelling bee. Emma is very excited to mentor these bright, promising students through their first competition.

Emma Muth is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Temanggung, Central Java.

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:07 am
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