Kiki was a government major and education minor at Bowdoin College. During her undergraduate career, she interned for 2 summers in Jerusalem and studied abroad in Morocco. She found that these international experiences influenced the way she understood what education could be in the United States. Upon graduating Bowdoin, Kiki received a fellowship to pursue a master of arts in teaching degree at Smith College. It was there, specifically during her full-time teaching practicum, that she first began to challenge the borders of traditional American education.
As a Fulbright ETA in Indonesia, Kiki will continue to think about ways in which education in the US can be reimagined. After the completion of her grant, Kiki hopes to continue developing and teaching anti-racist curriculum in her classroom. Eventually she would like to pursue a PhD in post-colonial studies or a master’s degree in international education development.
For her Fulbright ETA program, Kiki will be placed at Bangka Belitung where she will co-teach at SMA Santo Yosef Pangkalpinang.