Learning How To Make Bika

Jillian 2

On January 22, ETA Jillian Castoro had the opportunity to learn about the process of making Bika from scratch. Bika is a type of coconut dessert that is very popular in West Sumatra.

Jillian 1

Traditionally, there are two types of bika. One is made solely with coconut, while the other includes coconut and banana. When driving down the main road, one will pass many signs for places that exclusively sell bika

After attending a wedding, Jillian and other SMA 2 Bukittinggi teachers went get some bika.

The process of making bika includes putting the dough beneath hot flames which takes about five minutes to cook. They are amazing to eat fresh from the flames, or anytime.

Bika is one of Jillian’s favorite West Sumatran snacks!

Jillian Castoro is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.

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