Martin Luther King Jr. Day Activities

Janika (1)

ETA Janika Berridge kicked off the second semester’s English clubs with Martin Luther King Day activities. In Teachers’ English Club, Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of equality set the basis for a lesson on expressing future dreams with “will” and “would like to.” With translations from her counterpart and co-teacher Pak Hasrul, Janika briefly shared who Dr. King was and why he and his speech were important to American history.

Janika (2)

She began with slavery then touched upon the Emancipation Proclamation, segregation, and Rosa Park’s refusal to give up her seat. This brief timeline brought everyone back to where they began – with Dr. King, the Civil Rights Movement, and future dreams.

After a quick grammar lesson from Pak Hasrul, all teachers were asked to write what they will and would like to do in their future. Many wanted to witness the future success of their children. Others shared that they would attend the future weddings of the single male teachers, to which everyone erupted into laughter and clapping.

Janika (3)

A quick Google search helped Janika with her activities for students’ English club. They selected the correct words to complete a short passage about Martin Luther King Day, rearranged scrambled phrases from the original passage, and wrote as many words as they could in 5 minutes from the “Civil Rights Movement.”

Janika enjoyed seeing the students’ engagement with the activities and each other. Even after the hour ended, students wanted to continue.

Janika Berridge is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Sangatta Utara, East Kalimantan.

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