A Merry English Club Meeting

Brian (1)

On Friday, December 21, ETA Brian Miner hosted members of the community English club at his guest house to talk about, share, and celebrate the holiday season. The club talked about the meaning of holidays and a few of the various traditions to celebrate the new year around the world. Afterwards, Brian shared some fun party games that his family often plays at home during the holidays. While they played, they ate sweets and candy, and enjoyed some holiday music. All in all, it was a nice way to celebrate the close of the year and to welcome in the start of a new one. Brian was more than happy to share his holiday traditions with his friends in Sangatta Utara. He is excited to begin a new year here in the community, and welcomes the new opportunities to engage and interact with his school and the wider community of Sangatta Utara in the coming months.

Brian Miner is currently teaching at SMKN 1 Sangatta Utara, East Kalimantan

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 4:02 pm
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