Mohamad Widodo
Award Year: 2018

Dr. Mohamad Widodo’s research at North Carolina State University will be on plasma treatment for advanced and functional textiles, which is the future of textile technology. He believes that research in the United States provides an opportunity to work closely with experts in plasma and plasma processing of textiles. So far, he is the only expert in this particular field in Indonesia.

He holds a B.App.Sc. in textile chemistry from STTT, an M Tech in chemical technology from Massey University, New Zealand, and, with a Fulbright Presidential PhD grant, a PhD in fiber and polymer science from North Carolina State University, followed by a six-month postdoctoral there.

Dr. Widodo is a faculty member at Politeknik STTT Bandung.

Last Updated: Apr 12, 2019 @ 2:12 pm
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