It was Thursday, February 14, 2019, Valentine’s Day, ETA Ryan Ulrich had just completed an awkward day at school. Ryan had attempted to make the class that day Valentine’s Day themed. He had planned to have his students make cards and play some fun games but spent most his class time explaining the history of Valentine’s Day instead. The students asked questions in regard to the holiday because they didn’t know much about, but not because they didn’t celebrate it in Indonesia, but because they couldn’t.
The celebration of Valentine’s Day in Indonesia is frowned upon in certain areas because it is believed it instills Western values, which are directly counter to the predominately Muslim values of the country. Ryan tried his best to convey the meaning and history of the holiday objectively.
While walking back to his house Ryan noticed a box outside his house. Inside the box was a cat from his neighborhood nursing her newly born kitten. Not wanting to leave the cats outside in the heat, and with a rainstorm approaching in the evening Ryan brought them into his garage. He assembled a makeshift cat shelter for the mother and her kitten and provided them with food. He has a soft spot for animals and resigned himself to looking after the mother and her kitten for as long as he was able. Given the date, he decided to name the kitten Valentine.
Ryan Ulrich is currently teaching at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, East Java
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