New Year Celebrations

Amanda (3)

At the beginning of this month, ETA Amanda Cahn joined SMA Don Bosco Padang in celebrating Christmas and the New Year. At 7:30 am, students and teachers attended mass together, and then the festivities began at 10:30 am.

Amanda (1)

In the first acts of the school-wide performance, Amanda and a few other teachers sang “Jingle Bells” and “Feliz Navidad”. This was followed up by a singing competition, in which students performed classic Christmas songs. Each song was sung by a pair of students who incorporated other elements, such as coordinated outfits or synchronized two-stepping.

Amanda (2)

In the evening, Yayasan Prayoga Padang hosted a Christmas and New Year party for just the staff and faculty. At this event, Amanda and a few other teachers performed a coordinated dance routine to “Feliz Navidad”. There were many other holiday song and dance performances. The day’s celebrations ended with dinner and a raffle for gifts from the foundation.

Amanda Cahn is currently teaching at SMA Don Bosco Padang, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:28 pm
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