New Year, New Outlook

Angela (2)

A new semester means a new opportunity to change how to run classes. After learning a lot more about each other, ETA Angela Zhu and Ibu Fransiska, Angela’s co-teacher, decided to shift the balance in the classroom, incorporating each others’ strengths and understanding each others’ weaknesses.

This started from having classes say greetings with “Ma’am and Miss” to incorporating activities that required both Ibu Fransiska and Angela to lead their halves of the class.

Angela (3)

Teaching extended outside the classroom. As Angela and Ibu Fransiska prepared materials for their next class, teachers at the school became curious about the materials. Some of the teachers in the teacher’s room at SMAN 1 Tana Toraja decided to draw something important to them and help contribute to the next lesson that Angela and Ibu Fransiska will be teaching. Ibu Fransiska and Angela look forward to presenting the materials that will incorporate the work of several teachers. 

English Club started thinking about the different definitions for “hero” by talking about some real-life heroes, like Malala, and some heroes in movies, like Big Hero 6. Later on, the English Club learned how to draw Baymax, leading to them watching Big Hero 6. Students then discussed the strengths and weaknesses of heroes. 

Angela and ETA Michael Walsh had the opportunity to be in an Indonesian podcast about Tana Toraja. They shared about teaching in Indonesia, new experiences, and of course, funerals. It was the first time either of them had been in a podcast. Hopefully, this is the start of a new year filled with new opportunities, new methods of thinking, and new ways for community engagement.

Angela Zhu is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.

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