NSU Across the Globe

Albert Wertheimer, Ph.D., adjunct professor, Department of Sociobehavioral and Administrative Pharmacy, recently had the opportunity to share his expertise with the world through a Fulbright Specialist Program award. This project brings together NSU with Universitas Hasanuddin in Indonesia and is aimed at exchanging knowledge and establishing partnerships that will benefit participants, institutions, and communities both in the U.S. and overseas.

Dr. Wertheimer was one of over 400 citizens chosen to share his expertise with a host institution through the Fulbright Specialist Program. He was selected based on academic and professional achievements, and demonstrated leadership in his field with the potential to foster long-term cooperation between institutions in the U.S. and abroad. Through this program, a memorandum of understanding was developed between NSU College of Pharmacy and Universitas Hassanuddin School of Pharmacy that supports student and faculty exchange as well as collaborative projects. Activities like this help support NSU College of Pharmacy and the greater University community in our quest for preeminence.
Photo left to right: Dean Dr. Marianti Manggau, Dr. Albert Wertheimer, Deputy Dean Dr. Yulia Yusrini Djabir, and Anshar Saud.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2023 @ 10:30 am
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