Parawati Siti Sondari
Award Year: 2018

Parawati is a permanent lecturer at STKIP Pasundan in Cimahi, West Java. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in English education from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in 2006 and 2014.

She intends to pursue her degree in second language studies to offer an explanation on how definiteness in English is acquired by Indonesian EFL learners. Her proposed study, on article use in L2 English produced by L1 Indonesian speakers, will investigate the interface among definiteness [+DEF], specificity [+SPEC], explicit speaker knowledge [+ESK], and noun countability in article choice of L1 Indonesian speakers.

Upon the completion of the program, she will return to her home institution and conduct further SLA-based studies.

For her Fulbright Doctoral degree program in composition and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL), Parawati is placed at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Last Updated: Feb 27, 2019 @ 4:45 pm
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