November marked SMA Negeri 1’s last 10th-grade unit of the first semester: announcements. To encourage students to approach this unit with curiosity, teachers Ibu Yulia Mufarichah, Bapak Khasan, Ibu Nur Chasanah, and ETA Sarah Wozniak introduced their classrooms to “Read and Race.”
In this activity, students raced around the classroom, reading and remembering sentences from jumbled announcements, then related them to their teammates. Energy levels ran high, and several groups triumphantly yelled “finished!”
To expand this activity, the teachers and ETA asked students to write questions about the announcements they had assembled. Then, each team switched announcement and questions with their neighbors. Instead of filling out questions from a workbook, students were encouraged to think creatively like test-writers, and make their own questions as tricky as they wanted them to be. To round off the semester, students made their own announcements, then practiced their listening skills through music with Michael Jackson’s “Ben” and Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years.” The classrooms filled with the voices of students presenting their announcements and singing along with the music.
Sarah Wozniak is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Demak, Central Java
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