Though the end of January means ETA Sarah Wozniak has already spent six months in Indonesia, she still learns more about her students at SMAN 1 Demak every day.
In her tenth grade classes throughout the last two weeks of January, students drew inspiration from historical recount texts to recount the stories of their lives. First, students un-scrambled a recount text about Raden Adjeng Kartini, an educator and national heroine from the nearby city of Jepara. She was an especially strong activist for women’s rights and education access.
Students then worked together to answer questions about the text by holding up lettered notecards, which made practicing for their mid-semester exams a little more interesting. Finally, the students reflected on Kartini’s legacy and what they themselves wished to be remembered for.
They wrote their own “recount texts,” detailing their lives from birth until the present day, in which they are students at SMAN 1 Demak. Sarah also asked them to include a photograph and their nickname at the top of their texts, to help her better learn and use their names.
Sarah was amazed by the diversity of experience, creativity, interests, goals, and spirit present amongst her 10th-grade classes.
Sarah Wozniak is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Demak, Central Java
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