Selamat Hari Guru!

Sophia (1)

ETA Sophia Lopresti and her co-teacher, Ibu Popi, usually meet with class 11 MIA 1 on Mondays. On November 26, however, class had been cancelled for a celebration of National Teachers’ day. The students were excited, the teachers were carefree, and Sophia was kind of confused! When Sophia was a little girl in elementary school in the United States, she and her mother would write thank you notes and bake cookies for her teachers (and the school bus driver!) on Teachers’ Day. She had never seen a celebration of this size before! All the teachers and students gathered on the basketball court, which was decorated with balloons and handmade “Happy Teachers’ Day” signs.

Sophia (2)

Sophia (3)

After speeches from administrators and students thanking the teachers, representatives from each classroom brought out a bouquet of flowers and a cake for their homeroom teacher. They placed the cakes on a long line of tables and encouraged their homeroom teachers to join them at the front. The students sang potong kue (cut the cake) as the teachers did so, then the students took turns feeding bites of cake to their teacher. It was so sweet to see how happy the students were to have the opportunity to thank their teachers, and with something more exciting than a couple of cookies in a ziploc bag!

Sophia Lopresti is currently teaching at SMAN 11 Padang, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:02 am
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