Servo is currently a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Cendrawasih. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in English language education from Universitas Cendrawasih in 1999 and Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from Eastern Michigan University in 2006.
He would like to pursue a doctoral degree in linguistics with a focus on sociolinguistic study of language use and attitude. His proposed research will focus on how dialect is used by Papuan and non-Papuan students in their daily encounters and seeks to understand how Papuan and non-Papuans portray each other’s identity through the way they select types and functions of address terms in Papuan Malay.
On completion of his program he will return to Universitas Cendrawasih and join a national level linguistics research project.
For his Fulbright Doctoral degree program in linguistics, Servo is placed at Arizona State University.