Storytelling Across Indonesia

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As was the case for many ETAs this month, the 2019 National WORDS Competition was a highlight for ETA Allison Cwikla and her participating student from SMAN 1 Temanggung, Laksmi Anindita Kusnanto. Due to Laksmi’s hard work, the WORDS-related fun did not stop for the Temanggung pair after the National Competition in Jakarta at the beginning of April. Because Laksmi received a top-three performance at the competition, both Laksmi and Allison participated in a service-learning trip to Ende, Flores from April 25 – 29. With two other ETAs, their students, and several AMINEF staff, the ladies headed to Ende where they were welcomed by Nando, a local CCI Program alumnus, as he showed them his home, a local village, beautiful beaches, and Kelimutu National Park.

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While in Flores, the group led two workshops with local high school students. The workshops contained storytelling performances from the WORDS winners, various storytelling writing activities, and a discussion about how youth play a role in the future of Indonesia. In addition to the workshop, the group was warmly welcomed to the Detusoko Village where they enjoyed traditional food, traditional performances, and even danced while wearing traditional clothing.

Allison Cwikla is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Temanggung, Central Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:05 pm
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