Sunday?! You must mean Fun-Day!

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On Sunday, November 4, ETA Elizabeth “Liz” Wallace had the pleasure of running an English Teaching Workshop for teachers in the Gresik community. Over 30 teachers spent their Sunday morning with Liz at SMA NU 1 Gresik. Liz designed the workshop to focus on active learning and bringing the concept of “play” into the classroom. Having been previously trained in the “FISH Philosophy” of bringing play into the workplace (the philosophy is modeled on the famous Seattle Fish market), Liz’s presentation focused on the importance of play and gave over a dozen examples of games and hands-on activities teachers could implement. The three-hour seminar was spent racing through tongue twisters, singing silly songs, and coming up with competitions to get students engaged with difficult grammar. After the academic portion of the class, Liz and the participants ate lunch together in the canteen and Liz’s students put on a performance of acoustic pop songs! The day was a resounding success and Liz is already planning a follow up session for the new semester.

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Liz (4)

The next Sunday, Liz had the opportunity to run in local half marathon race. The race was sponsored by Gresik’s cement factory, one of the main industries in town. The route was a trail run through the woods that snake around the entire community. Liz loved running with some of the friends she has made through the “Gresik Freeletics,” a workout group made up of younger Gresik natives who are excited about getting fit.

Liz (1)Liz (2)

Elizabeth “Liz” Wallace is currently teaching at SMA Nahdlatul Ulama 1 Gresik, East Java

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:02 am
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