Sunrise Jogs and Card Games

Throughout the last month, ETA Allison Gross has had the privilege of attending several evening prayers and breakfasts at her school, SMAN 1 Sedayu. During Ramadan, class times have been shortened to just 30 minutes each, allowing for a more relaxed pace.

Allison cherished this time, using it to play fun board and card games with her students, creating a joyful and low-pressure atmosphere. Despite the fasting, heat, and long days, she marveled at the students’ focus and energy.

As Allison’s time in Indonesia draws close, she has made the most of her remaining weeks. Nearly every day starts with a morning jog through her village in Sidokarto, watching the sun rise over rice paddies and greeting her neighbors with a smile and a small chat.

These peaceful moments have allowed her to soak up the country’s beauty and connect with herself and her community in the remaining time. Allison will continue to reflect on her incredible experiences in Sedayu, Sidokarto, and Indonesia with great tenderness and affection. It has been an experience of a lifetime to have felt like a part of this vibrant community.

Allison Gross is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Sedayu, Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Last Updated: Apr 17, 2024 @ 4:34 pm
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