Welcoming Ramadan

ETA Lily has been excited about March to April since the beginning of her grant, as she was looking forward to learning more about what the month of Ramadan seems like in a predominantly Muslim country and community.
For quite a while, fellow teachers and students alike have been telling Lily about the vibrant and unique Pasar Ramadan that can be found in the nearby hub city of Banjarmasin.

There was much talk and encouragement to try the takjil (sweet food eaten upon breaking the fast) and kue (cakes) found, especially during Ramadan. Lily finally visited the Pasar Ramadan with her co-teacher, Ibu Yulia, and tried local specialty foods. Binka barandam, a sweet mini yellow sponge cake with sugar water, and ipau, a creamy rice cake with coconut milk, were most notable.

Although it is tough gearing up to say goodbye to her host school and community, ETA Lily is enjoying her last month with her students and friends, having lots of buka bersama (breaking fast together), relaxing, and reflecting.

Lilian Rhinehart is currently teaching at SMAN 4 Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan.

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