Teacher Bonding

Riley (2)

As soon as ETA Riley Heist arrived in Samarinda, it became clear to her that teaching bonding would be a huge part of her experience. This was most evident when she walked into the teachers’ room on the first day to discover that all of the teachers had woken up extra early that day to make a ton of food so that they could sit down together and eat. Riley always finds the teachers’ room to be a comforting place full of laughter and good stories.

Riley (1)

Riley (3) ed

This month, all of the teachers went to Bu May’s home, an administrator and teacher at SMA 10, to grill chicken and fish, and most importantly, spend time together. As usual, it proved to be one of the best times in Indonesia thus far. Riley always finds it enjoyable to get to spend time with such great people outside of school. Riley hopes to bring similar traditions back when she returns to teaching in the US.

Riley Heist is currently teaching at SMAN 10 Samarinda, East Kalimantan

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:25 pm
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