Urai Mimmi Variami Nurul Fitriarti is an English teacher of SMA Negeri 3 Pontianak. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in English Education from Universitas Tanjungpura in 2000 and her Master’s degree in Education Technology at the same university in 2015. She has been teaching English for 10 years. She is also active in English Teacher’s Forum (MGMP) in Pontianak and also in Indonesian English Teacher Association (PGRI) as the General Secretary. She and her colleagues are currently preparing for the 3rd National Conference for the English teachers that will be held in August 2016. Her motivation to apply for the ILEP is to learn more about curriculum development, the use of technology in the classroom and better teaching methodologies. She is looking forward to meeting teachers in the US to share experience and to learn new methodology in teaching English effectively and making it attractive for students to learn.
Mimmi is placed at James Madison University. Upon her return from the program, she plans to share her US experience and knowledge to fellow teachers through formal and informal discussions at her home institution and the teachers’ forum in her region.