US Fulbright Scholar Dr. Christopher Silver Presentations on Sustainable Urban Development and ‘Smart’ Indonesian City at Universitas Hassanudin Makassar

Dr. Silver is a Fulbright US Scholar Program grantee from January through May 2019. During this time, he will deliver lectures at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia about sustainable urbanism, cities of the world, and sustainable community development. 

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As a part of his Fulbright US Scholar Program in Indonesia, Dr. Christopher Silver visited Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) Makassar to give presentations on urban development.

The first presentation was a part of a public lecture on March 4, 2019, given in front of more than 60 participants. The topic of the lecture is “Rapid Urbanization: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Sustainable and ‘Smart’ Indonesian City.” Besides Dr. Silver, aother speaker in this event included Denny Hidayat, City of Makassar and Chief of Makassar War Room in Smart City Initiative.

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The second lecture was held on March 5, 2019, at Faculty of Engineering campus in Goa, entitled  “Sustainable Urban Development:  Initiatives and Collaboration for Indonesian Cities.”

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During this visit, Dr. Silver also had a discussion with Graduate School Universitas Hasanuddin, who is taking the lead at UNHAS in organizing their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Center, opened by BAPPENAS minister several weeks ago. Other than that, Dr. Silver discussed some possible collaborations between his home institution, University of Florida, and UNHAS, including a double degree program in Sustainable Design.

Last Updated: Mar 31, 2024 @ 1:31 am
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