Visit to Monkey Island!

Said (3)

The month of August flew by so quickly for ETA Said Haji as Said returned back from training in Depok to Banjarmasin for the last two weeks of August. Said has been filling his time with student meetups from staying after school to sitting in the courtyard having a conversation or meeting up at various cafes talking about just anything.

Said (1) edited

Said in an attempt to connect with students that are not in his traditional classes invited them along with other co-teachers for an outing at Pulao Kembang also known as monkey island. Said and his students woke up around 5 am and prayed at the local mosque near the high school, and from there they set out to the bay area to catch a boat.

Said (2)

To engage his students more Said played games like UNO, and did simple icebreakers on the boat for the entire hour boat drive. It was a great platform for networking amongst the students and Said in an informal setting. They were able to practice their English while waiting to arrive at monkey island. When Said and the students got off the boat they were pleasantly surprised with monkeys everywhere. The students were running around seeing the monkeys, but also running in the opposite direction when the monkeys jumped at them. Said and the students ended their day with an early lunch at a local restaurant laughing about their experience on monkey island.

Said Haji is currently teaching at SMAN 7 Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:07 am
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