Wedding of the Year

Neelam 1

ETA Neelam Vohra was thankful for the month of December and the time she had to regroup, reflect on the past five months here in Indonesia, and create a new set of goals for the next five. This month also allowed Neelam to explore Bangka island more, from the northern to the southern tips.

However, Neelam’s highlight for December was preparing for and attending the wedding of her closest friend here in Bangka. This joyous occasion was marked by laughs, conversations about the future and the reasons we were all thankful for his friendship. Neelam especially was happy for her friend and grateful for all of his help, guidance, and kindness as she navigated her way through this new city.

Before the wedding, Neelam and her friends here in Pangkalpinang were able to visit his home and meet his family as well as eat delicious food. The next day, he was married, papers signed, and rings exchanged. Neelam was glad to be another friend supporting him on this big day and to be able to hold onto this memory forever. Wishing Reza and Anggi a happy, beautiful future together!

Neelam Vohra is currently teaching at SMKN 3 Pangkalpinang, Bangka-Belitung

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 4:04 pm
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