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WORDS Competition 2019

Amanda (2)

From April 3-6, ETA Amanda Cahn and her 11th grade student Carina Hakim met the other ETAs and their students in Jakarta to represent SMA Don Bosco Padang in the 2019 National WORDS Storybook and Storytelling Competition.

Amanda (1)

The theme of this year’s competition was “The Future of Indonesia.” After winning first place in the regional competition at the end of February, Carina prepared vigorously during all of March and her time and effort paid off. On April 4, she presented her original story, titled “Bella the President.” Carina both sang and used various props to enhance her storytelling, including a wooden log, a pillow, a blanket, tissues, a dirty scarf, high heels, a blazer, and an Indonesian flag. She came in 2nd place!

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From April 25 – 28, the three student winners, their ETAs, and some of the AMINEF staff members travelled to the Ende Regency in East Nusa Tenggara for a service-learning based trip. While there, they visited Kelimutu, three colored lakes which change colors on a regular basis and represent the evil, the young, and the elderly. A job well done to all of the participants in both the local and national WORDS competitions this year!

Amanda Cahn is currently teaching at SMA Don Bosco Padang, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:07 pm
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