Worldly Intentions

Jillian 2

During the week of September 16, the grade 11 students at SMAN 2 Bukittingi studied intentions, with a focus on using the phrase “will be going to.” In an attempt to make the topic fun, ETA Jillian Castoro and her co-teacher, Ibu Mursida, presented the class with the game “Around the World.”

Jillian 1

For the activity, the students were split into groups of four that they were “going on vacation together.” The students would be presented with a place and a series of questions asking about what they will do there. The questions ranged from asking what they intend to do, eat or wear when they go to the place. The students had to answer the questions using full sentences to practice the phrase of the day. The students were the most excited when presented with the idea of traveling to the moon. The students enjoyed how interactive the activity was, and were excited to come up with very creative and interesting intentions. Jillian and Bu Mursida hope that the activity inspired the students to think about their future intentions, where they wish to go and what they would love to do.

Jillian Castoro is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:07 am
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