Writing Workshop Empowers Faculty Members, Lecturers, and Researchers in Eastern Indonesia

Some of the workshop participants(Participants and facilitators of Academic Writing Workshop)

In January, 2019, AMINEF in collaboration with the State University of Papua (UNIPA) and American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS) held a three-day workshop entitled “Academic Writing Workshop: Publishing in International Journals” at State University of Papua (UNIPA) in Manokwari, West Papua to help improve the academic writing skills of faculty members, lecturers and researchers in Indonesia’s most eastern province.

Opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Lary Fisher of the University of Arizona where he spoke about the importance of research collaboration.

Dozens of faculty members, lecturers, young researchers, and PhD students from UNIPA and other institutions such as Cendrawasih University (UNCEN) in Jayapura, Papua Forestry Agency in Jayapura and Khairun University in Ternate participated in the workshop.

“The workshop really helped me improve my writing skills. I am now more confident in writing for international journals,” said Antoni Ungirwarlu, a participant from UNIPA.

Participants worked on their articles(Participants practicing their writing skills)

Fulbright Scholar alumna, Dr. Wendy Erb, from Columbia University, Journal of Forest and Society’s Editor in Chief, Dr. Muhammad Alif K. Sahide, and Associate Editor in Chief, Micah Fisher were the workshop facilitators. They led sessions on academic writing where they presented strategies to create a powerful article.

Dr Alif Sahide leading session(Presentation by Journal of Forest and Society’s Editor in Chief, Dr. Muhammad Alif K. Sahide)

Fulbright Alumni Wendy Erb leading session(Presentation by Fulbrighter Dr. Wendy Erb, from Columbia University)

“The most interesting session was on concept mapping and identifying original contribution,” said Elisabeth Wambrauw, a lecturer at UNCEN.

Elisabeth echoed Antoni’s opinion, stating that the workshop improved her writing skills. While she is experienced in writing research and reviewing articles for international journals, Elisabeth found the workshop useful as it increased her knowledge and offered practical tips.

Participant tried to find journal for their article(Participant at work)

“I only know so much and need to learn more,” she said.

In addition to learning about writing tips and strategies from the facilitators, participants were given time to practice what they learned.

Micah Fisher and Dr Alif Sahide assisted participants with their works(Participants consulting with the facilitators)

Furthermore, the workshop provided participants with a one-on-one consultation with the facilitators.

On the last day of the workshop, Fulbright Student Research and Fulbright-Hays DDRA alumnus, Jonathan McLeod, delivered a presentation on his research project “Traditional Livelihoods and Forest-Use in Tambrauw, West Papua. Jonathan, who was supported by UNIPA for his research, organized the event together with Dr. Fitry Pakiding, Indonesian Fulbright alumna and winner of the prestigious Whitley Award winner.

Jonathan McLeod presented his research(Presentation by Fulbright Student Research and Fulbright-Hays DDRA alumnus, Jonathan McLeod,)

Last Updated: Mar 4, 2019 @ 6:21 pm
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