Yoga Adhi Pratama
Award Year: 2017

Yoga Adhi Pratama is an Investment Analyst and Planner at Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board) in Jakarta. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Regional and City Planning from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 2011.

Prior to his current career, he worked as a program officer at National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), where he provided coordination, monitoring and evaluation related to development cooperation program. He also worked as an assistant planner in formulating regional spatial plan for Pantura, North Coast Area of Jakarta. His main interest is in regional planning and infrastructure development.

He is pursuing a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and hoping thay the knowledge will support his competencies in developing career as regional planner in investment planning unit within the Board. His proposed study is related to the Regional Science, which provides a comprehensive study and multidisciplinary approach to understand the regional and urban development problem and cases.

Upon completion of the Master’s degree program, he intends to continue working at his home institution and apply the analytical techniques, skills and knowledge to support investment policy analysis in terms of economic development and regional context.

Last Updated: Oct 1, 2018 @ 1:30 pm
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