Yulia Isnaini
Award Year: 2016

Yulia Isnaini is a lecturer in English at two universities in Mataram, Lombok: University of Mataram and Muhammadiyah University. She is currently a Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) teaching Indonesian at Stanford University in California. Being able to teach and study as well as introduce the Indonesian language and culture to the world are some of her passionate goals.

She earned a BA degree in English language education from University of Mataram University in 2010 and an MA in English language teaching at the State University of Malang in 2014. In 2008, she also had a taste of being a foreign student while taking a short-course program at the University of South Carolina, USA. Her long-term goal is to purusue a PhD to deepen her professional capacity in her field.

Last Updated: Mar 30, 2024 @ 6:25 pm
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