10th Grade Students Clean up Batakan Baru Beach

All ten classes from 10th grade were looking forward to a field trip to Batakan Baru Beach. As ETA Tineer Ahmed has been teaching them lessons only isolated in class or the English club, she found this a great opportunity to connect with her students in a different setting.

The beach was filled with about 350 students wearing exercise uniforms and holding bags to collect the scattered debris. A week prior, students in each class designed a bin and signs emphasizing environmental awareness to preserve the beach. Ibu Yuli (SMAN 3 Banjarbaru Bahasa Indonesia teacher) guided students to focus on finding the smallest pieces of trash, like a candy wrapper. Some students accomplished the beach clean-up in pairs, while others did it independently. With a better appreciation for taking responsibility for their waste, the students efficiently threw away trash left from their lunch break and started frolicking towards the beach. The students and their teachers took turns riding the Banana Boat or ATVs on the sand. The city of Banjarbaru can continue to retain its natural beauty and be a place of enjoyment with the efforts of SMAN 3 Banjarbaru students.

Tineer Ahmed is currently teaching at SMAN 3 Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan.

Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024 @ 10:29 am
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