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All kinds of WORDS

Liz (1)

This month, Fulbright ETA Elizabeth “Liz” Wallace conducted her local WORDS storytelling competition. SMA NU 1 Gresik hosted their school-wide contest at the beginning of March. With the theme of “The Future of Indonesia,” students brainstormed ways they could improve their country. Some students wrote about the future of education in Indonesia (with a strong focus on educational technology) and other students focused on the natural wonders of the many islands that make up the Indonesian archipelago. The winner, Floretta, took on the persona of a young environmental activist who takes the initiative to establish regulations for National Parks in Indonesia. As a treat for all participants, Liz took them out for a pizza party complete with balloon animals.

Liz (2)

On her Friday afternoons, Liz has continued to teach a kids’ English club for local children who are interested in learning English. They have been working on different songs together like “Old MacDonald had a Farm,” “I’m a Little Tea Pot,” and “The Wheels on the Bus.” During the month of March, the kids have enjoyed building English words with a kid-friendly version of Scrabble. Though it is challenging to create a lesson plan that encompasses activities for children ages three to twelve and who have varying levels of English, Liz always enjoys getting to spend time with younger children who are always excited to sing and dance together.

Liz (1)

Elizabeth “Liz” Wallace is currently teaching at SMA Nahdlatul Ulama 1 Gresik, East Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:08 pm
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