March 2019 Edition

Welcome to the March edition of the Fulbright ETA Monthly Highlights! During the month of March, Indonesian students were subject to a lot of testing, but the Fulbright ETAs found exciting ways to engage students. From hosting local WORDS competition to helping finalists prepare for the national competition held in April, the ETAs did their best to reach students even if it wasn’t in the classroom. In these highlights, you will read about some successful lessons and you will also read stories of ETAs hosting workshops, English camps, judging competitions, meeting with extracurricular clubs and so on. Read all of these stories and more through the links below!

Many thanks to all of the ETAs for their wonderful stories and photos.

Be sure to get next month’s newsletter!

AMINEF American Program and Communications Teams

We’d love to get your feedback.

Please share with us your favorite stories: which stories struck you as interesting, which teaching method is the most fun or you’d like to apply, or which activity you’d like to hear more. Email us at and we’ll post your feedback in the next newsletter and you may win a special thank-you gift from us. 


An opportunity to learn about the EAP Region

Fulbright ETAs, Fulbright Student Researchers, and AMINEF administrators at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial in Taipei, Taiwan for the East Asia Pacific Regional Workshop. During the Fulbright ETA Mid-Year Enrichment Conference held in January, Fulbright ETAs were surprised to learn that they had the option of joining a Fulbright East Asia Pacific (EAP) Workshop in Taiwan… Read More.

All kinds of WORDS

This month, Fulbright ETA Elizabeth “Liz” Wallace conducted her local WORDS storytelling competition. SMA NU 1 Gresik hosted their school-wide contest at the beginning of March. With the theme of “The Future of Indonesia,” students brainstormed ways they could improve their country. Some students wrote about the future of education in Indonesia (with a strong.. Read More.

A Month of Hansel and Gretel

Throughout the month of March, Fulbright ETA Gordon “Peter” Bensen, and his 10th-grade co-teacher taught a three-part (three weeks) lesson on the story of Hansel and Gretel as part of the Narrative Text unit. First, the students watched a short YouTube video on MAN 1 Kota Payakumbuh’s most trusted projector. The video was a virtual.. Read More.

Jawa Tengah English Teachers Summit

One of many highlights for Fulbright ETA Allison Cwikla of SMAN 1 Temanggung that took place during March occurred on the 22nd and 23rd of the month. After many weeks of planning and preparation with the English Teacher’s Association of Central Java, Allison joined her counterpart Pak Imam, and the Association’s board in a two-day conference attended.. Read More.

Send Off

At the end of this month, Fulbright ETA Anna Ringheiser and members of her school, including the headmaster and vice principals, went to the office of the Bupati. Year 11 student of MAN Temanggung, Afan, was selected to participate in the YSEALI program and will be leaving for the United States in early April for.. Read More.

Always Learning, Always Growing!

On Friday, March 8, Fulbright ETA Amanda Cahn was one of two judges at a middle school spelling bee held at SMA Don Bosco Padang. At 10 am, eight contestants nervously awaited the judges’ arrival. SMA Don Bosco’s student organization presented the rules and regulations of the competition. In the first round, each contestant was.. Read More.

Americanos & America

Community members and students alike expressed a desire to improve their English language skills in a low-pressure environment. So, Fulbright ETA Caroline Kim decided to meet them where many Manadonese naturally congregate: coffee shops. Caroline particularly enjoyed meeting one of her classes, X Bahasa, over coffee. From teaching American slang to being taught bahasa Manado.. Read More.

English Village Comes to MAN Demak!

The English teachers of MAN Demak including Fulbright ETA Sabrina Verleysen were pleased to welcome four English trainers from the English Village in East Java for a full immersion eight-day English Camp at MAN Demak. Sixty students were divided up into four smaller groups, accompanied by one trainer from the English Village and one English.. Read More.

THBT Social Media Does More Harm Than Good

At the very beginning of the month Fulbright ETA Kiyoko “Kiki” Nakamura-Koyama asked the students to calculate “How many years of your life would you spend on Instagram before you died (80 years)?” Students answers ranged anywhere between 3.6 to 14.4 years. During the eleventh graders three-week long unit on social media, the students participated.. Read More.

Ke Amerika! *Amin*

This month, Fulbright ETA Darby Jones at SMA 2 Sangatta Utara has been focusing her energy on helping her students complete their applications for the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program. The YES program is funded by the US State Department and run by the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. It allows high.. Read More.

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